Natalia Ehwald | Vita
Natalia Ehwald began playing piano at the age of five, and soon after played recitals and had her first engagements as a soloist with an orchestra. She played her debut in the US at the age of 24. Since then she regularly undertakes concert tours throughout Europe, Asia and America.
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Natalia Ehwald is regarded among all other pianists of her generation as a poet and draws audiences and critics alike with her musical intensity and rousing energy, leaving you breathless.

„Natalia Ehwald´s piano playing is comparable with, so to say, a religion. Her playing is in no way artificial, rather arises from a credible, disturbing sense of depth…“ wrote the Tagesspiegel after one concert.

Schubert and Schumann are among her favorite in her broad repertoire. This is reflected in both of her highly praised CD recordings on the label GENUIN.

In the next season the young pianist will perform Schumanns Piano Concerto at the Cologne Philharmony under Jörg Peter Weigle, as well as a concert and masterclass in New York and the continuation of her own series of Schubert concerts in Berlin at the Piano Salon Christophori.

She played as a soloist with reputable orchestras like the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, the Radio Symphony Orchestra Warsaw, dem Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, the Magdeburg Philharmonic, the Rubinstein Philharmonic Lodz among others.

Great success followed her in her performances in famous halls such as Berliner Philharmonic Hall, Konzerthaus Berlin, Hamburger Musikhalle as well as Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker and Puplinge Classique Genf. She often plays throughout Europe, Asia and America.

She won national and international competitions at an early age, such as 2nd prize in the “Cultural Society of the German Business and Commerce Association“, the 1st and special price in the „Schumann competition for young pianists“, the 1st prize in the “International Greta Erikson’s Piano Competition“ in Sweden and the “Prize for Special Creativity“ in the “International Seiler Piano Competition“ in Greece.

After attending the special school for music “Schloss Belvedere“ in Weimar, she transferred to the “Sibelius Academy Helsinki“ at the age of 16 to study under Erik Tawaststjerna. The most important musical impulse she received was from Evgeni Koroliov, in whose class she passed the concert exam with distinction.

Radio recordings arose in collaboration with NDR Kultur, Deutschlandfunk as well as Polskie Radio.

„A pinnacle in 21 years of festival history. So convincing, so light, delicate and feathered Bach has never been heard in this way at the Württembergsaal.“ Böblinger-/ Sindelfinger-Zeitung